Be Still : Clara Jeong


Psalms 46:10 (ESV)

10 Be still, and know that I am God.

Independent, driven, efficient, and productive; these words describe some of the traits I value. I would say I’m that classic ‘New Yorker’ who gets anxious if I think I’m not being productive of my time and energy. So when I picked up this bible verse for 2020 from the basket, it immediately made me smile out of surrender -- ‘okay fine, God, I hear you.’

We live in a world filled with various distractions, and mine stem from constantly filling my plate with something to do. This is slightly different from being diligent, and hardworking.  I often find myself panicked, overwhelmed by the workload and end up miserable. More importantly, this routine causes me to make excuses from seeking God. I would think, ‘I have no bandwidth to even consider going to a prayer meeting this week,’ and feel guilty because I didn’t set aside time for God.  Yet I continue to manifest anxiety in this endless cycle. 

If I self-reflect on how this cycle even began, the answer is clear: it’s because I’m trying to take control of my life - make MY decision, survive on MY own - because of this twisted belief that no one else will take care of me beside myself. Even as someone practicing Christianity daily, it’s still difficult to “let go and let God”. But God is so much greater and mightier. He has a plan for me, and all I should do is walk with that truth - how amazing is our God’s love? I am praying for my heart and ears to be more open and sensitive to what God is trying to tell me. Instead of bustling through life trying to check off my to-do list, I want to know when to ‘be still’ and look to God in complete surrender.