Day 24: Partnering Church

Daily Devotional

Hebrews 10:24-25

24 “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

Today’s passage comes from the book of Hebrews, which was originally written as a letter to Christians who were facing great suffering and persecution for their faith. Many Christians at the time were being tempted to return to Judaism from their families. Some were being thrown into prisons, while others were publicly humiliated and had their property stolen. It was a difficult time to be a Christian and as a result some had left the faith and returned back to Judaism to escape hardship.In response to this, the author of Hebrews urged Christians to remain steadfast in Jesus by meeting together with a purpose. The writer told them to meet together and do 3 things: Stir each other up in love, stir each other up to do good works, and encourage each other. Essentially it is the body of Christ i.e. the church’s job to minister to one another to keep enduring and running the race of faith. The author then says the church needs “to meet together… all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” The “Day” meaning the Day of Judgment. Grace Church, let us be a body of Christ who has an even greater urgency to meet together as we are all the more closer to the Day of Judgment in comparison to Hebrew’s original audience. Let’s find ways to meet with each other and stir up their love for God and for others. Let’s find ways to stir up their love to do good works by serving the body of Christ. Finally, let’s find ways to encourage each other to hold fast to their faith as we go through stretching in this season of lent.

Weekly Application

As part of God’s church, we are called to be a unified body, partnering with one another to grow in our relationship with God and to fulfill His purposes. Although there is strength in our differences, we must remember that we are all different parts of the same body, each with our own unique gifts and callings. Start this week by asking God to give you a heart of unity and compassion. Then, reach out to three others throughout the week to listen, encourage, and pray for them. As you do, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas of pride, selfishness, or unforgiveness that may hinder your relationship with others. Let us prioritize building up one another and be intentional about growing together in our walk with Christ this week.

Grace Church