Day 23: Partnering Church

Daily Devotional

Acts 20:35

35 “In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

Many of us know apostle Paul’s sufferings, that while he preached the gospel in various places and helped edify local churches, he faced immense hardships and opposition. And yet, as he shares in Acts 20, he held nothing back. Instead, he served with all of his heart, despite the suffering. And now he charges the elders of the Ephesian church (and us) to do the same, to follow his example. Paul exhorts them to work hard, exerting themselves as they serve. One of the main reasons why we work hard at our jobs is to support our families, even if the job is difficult. We should serve the church with that same heart. We serve for the benefit of others and not for ourselves. We help the “weak,” anyone who is need of anything. We must help the one who needs emotional support, the one who needs prayer, the one who needs company, and even the one who has nothing to offer back. And as we serve, we must always remember that Jesus himself said that it is “more blessed to give than to receive.” So let us serve the church and help those in need.

Weekly Application

As part of God’s church, we are called to be a unified body, partnering with one another to grow in our relationship with God and to fulfill His purposes. Although there is strength in our differences, we must remember that we are all different parts of the same body, each with our own unique gifts and callings. Start this week by asking God to give you a heart of unity and compassion. Then, reach out to three others throughout the week to listen, encourage, and pray for them. As you do, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas of pride, selfishness, or unforgiveness that may hinder your relationship with others. Let us prioritize building up one another and be intentional about growing together in our walk with Christ this week.

Grace Church