God’s Grace Through It All : Andrew Chung


Amid these trying times, it is often hard to imagine how God could possibly be working in the world. Though God is sovereign and good, it seems as if the world never stops spiraling deeper into chaos. Yet at times, it can also be easier to see God’s good grace at work during difficulties. 

Ever since the pandemic has devastatingly hit our communities, I was able to witness people take the extra step of faith, stepping up to serve those heavily affected by COVID-19. I saw God’s people praying for the sick and hurt, including those who are devastated by the loss of a friend or family member; I saw them praying for the nation, ultimately anticipating that more and more people would come to know Christ. There is also an amazing system of God’s workers for Simplicity’s COVID-19 outreach. Some assemble care packages for those in need, some write letters that go along with the care packages, some deliver those packages, etc. 

Through these people, God has opened doors that we could not even imagine to be opened before the pandemic hit. I have never met the recipients of the care packages, but I know that God is working and using the sacrifices that His children have made for His glorious kingdom. I cannot deny that this pandemic has caused so much devastation and hardship for millions, but I also cannot deny that God has been moving. For me, God is most prevalent not through supernatural events or miracles, but when He calls forth people to step up to share God’s love, ultimately hoping that they would come to know His amazing love in Christ. 

Currently, I am part of the team that writes letters and I help shop for the groceries that get packed into the boxes. Yes, my contributions may be small, but I know that God will use whatever I have to offer, as well as what others give, to make His name known. He will use little pieces together to move mountains. I am amazed by God’s faithfulness to make His glory known and by the faithful workers that God has raised. It is both encouraging and enlightening to know that God will be leading people to give Him thanks, not just for meeting their physical needs but eventually their spiritual needs in Christ.