Day 9 – Paul Choi


1. What do you do for a living? (occupation/field of study).

Before my current role, I've been in various places in finance including a credit rating agency and an investment bank. I now work as an underwriter for NYC commercial real estate.


2. How do you like to spend your free time?

I love playing basketball and golf (although I'm currently at a 40 handicap) - otherwise I watch a lot of shows on Netflix. I also thoroughly enjoy eating good food.


3. Share one interesting fact about you that most people don’t know!

Back in middle school, I wanted to get into the K-Pop industry, so I spent a lot of that time practicing dancing, bboying and singing. I even had a mullet with yellow highlights.


4. Do you have a favorite book in the Bible? If you do, which one is it and why?

Isaiah - because this book portrays so many prophecies that God filled through Christ. It always amazes me how not even one was left unfulfilled.


5. Is there a verse/passage in the Bible that has significantly impacted your life? If so, which is it and why?

Isaiah 40:31 - “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.”

Many times, I found myself weary of following Christ, but this verse always gave me strength. This is also a promise that was not left unfulfilled, even to me personally when I called upon this same promise repeatedly. Works every time!


6. Is there a prayer request that has been on your heart recently? If so, please share with us.

For the Church (including myself) to be lovers of people in the way Christ defines and to be peacemakers. Jesus says, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” I think I frequently find myself so scarce of love, and that is what causes fights and discord - but if we can lay other's needs above our own (which is part of loving another), I think this is what would change the world and draw people to Christ. If we Christians are self-centered, how can we turn a literally self-centered world to Christ? This in turn, would bring Him more glory as we become a body that listens to the Head.


7. Tell us about how you met Christ? (Feel free to share a brief testimony).

I grew up in church but fell out as I entered my college years. I pegged the reason to that I was just naive back then and decided to stop believing. but one day a girl I liked (now my fiancé) wrote me a letter: but this was not the type of love letter I would have thought it to be. It ended up being her reason as to why she believes in God. She wrote a part of Psalm 104 in the card, and I remember as I finished reading, I physically felt a weight on me and couldn't move. In my immobility, I was brought back to the same feeling of when I first met Him. I had tears streaming down as all I felt was peace and a pressing assurance that this God really loved me and wanted me. That is when I stepped over the high wall of naivete that allowed me to pursue Jesus further.

I know God was in control this whole time to further strengthen my faith - although it took years for me to come back to Jesus. He is truly the founder and perfecter of our faith!

Grace ChurchLent 2022