Day 35– Ethan Kim


1. What do you do for a living? (occupation/field of study)

I'm a back-end developer.

2. How do you like to spend your free time?

I usually spend my free time playing video games, watching netflix shows, and contemplating about how to better spend my free time.

3. Share one interesting fact about you that most people don’t know!

I sometimes like to enjoy my grapes by shoving four or five into my mouth, aligning them with my teeth, then biting into them all at once, maximizing the juice-flow of the grapes and enhancing the experience by more than five times. Unfortunately, I cannot claim credit for this method; a wise man I know taught me this several years ago.

4. Do you have a favorite book in the Bible? If you do, which one is it and why?

My favorite book is James. There's a good mix of applicable, profound, and piercing verses.

5. Is there a verse/passage in the Bible that has significantly impacted your life? If so, which is it and why?

Immediately the father of the child cried out and said, “I believe; help my unbelief!” - Mark 9:24

When Jesus rebukes the demon-possessed boy's father for his lack of faith, he responds with the verse above. The utter desperation and complete dependence on Jesus comes from the man's hope for his son's healing. Whenever I am reminded of this verse, I am challenged to reassess how seriously I take the hope I have in Jesus. I want to seek for greater faith with the same desperation as that man in the verse.

6. Is there a prayer request that has been on your heart recently? If so, please share with us.

For greater faith.

7. Tell us about how you met Christ? (feel free to share a brief testimony)

I think it was gradual and manifested in more than one way. When my family was going through hard times, I think God was always providing peace and guidance for us. The community through church was a big part of my life and led me to experience Christ's love. I also had many experiences of learning about the Bible and the Christian faith, such as the Kingdom Series, that helped my faith grow.

Grace ChurchLent 2022