Day 36 - Peter Kim

Is there a specific Bible passage or verse that comes to mind in the context of “Less of Me and More of Him”?

John 3:30 He must increase, but I must decrease.

This verse from John comes to my mind in the context of “Less of Me and More of Him.” John says his joy increases if he surrenders and gives more to God. In addition, his purpose is to exalt God, not himself. I feel the same, and there’s also a line from the song “Nothing I Hold Onto” that I resonate with: “I give it all to You, God, trusting that You'll make something beautiful out of me.” I trust giving and surrendering to God is better because God favors me. However, it is hard to surrender, and I believe satan discourages us from doing so through his native language. Romans 12:12 says, “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” This verse helps me to have the courage to keep praying and think of the sacrifice God made for me and choose to make sacrifices for Christ.

Briefly explain which areas of your life you find most difficult to surrender to Christ.

I find my hard work and pride most difficult to surrender to Christ. I used to mistakenly think that I developed my talents, health, and good heart through hard work and discipline. So, I pray and ask God to humble me, and, of course, God never fails to show me that I have no control over anything in life. The foundation of whatever I have comes from God, and I should be thanking Him and using them to glorify God. 

Share the areas of your life that have shifted from self-centeredness to Christ-centeredness.

I started to apply prayer throughout my days, especially by opening my day and closing my day with prayers. I had difficulty praying by myself, and I made excuses such as “I have no time” and “God already knows.” I started to build discipline in prayer by setting up alarms at 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. so that I could pray when they go off. Also, I realized that if I had time to complain and give excuses, I did have time to pray. Now that I pray consistently, I started to realize the importance and power of prayer. Starting the day with prayer makes me feel like starting the day with a firm foundation to go through the day, thinking about how God is with me today. In addition, I now have a purpose in my days, which is the glory of God. Then, ending the day with prayer helped me reflect on that day, give thanks to God, and pray for the people I met that day. I know God knows everything; however, he wants to hear me and see my heart through prayer.

What are some practical ways you can display Christ to those around you?

I want to show how Christ is present through my actions and words. After learning how to pray through Daniel, Paul, and Nehemiah, I realized I need to pray loudly and consistently, no matter the circumstance, forgive others, and pray for people I struggle to love. I also want to share testimonies and ask for others’ prayer requests so that I can pray for them. Lastly, I want to show how a Christian has peace, gratitude, and joy instead of fear and anxiety.

Grace ChurchLent 2024