Day 11 - Chris Kwak

Is there a specific Bible passage or verse that comes to mind in the context of “Less of Me and More of Him”?

Exodus 3:13-14 Then Moses said to God, “If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you,’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ what shall I say to them?” 14 God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’”

The theme of this year, “Less of me and more of Him,” has opened my eyes to verses such as this one, where the focus is on God’s mighty ability to get us through the seemingly impossible task at hand, whatever it may be. During this Lent season, just as God used a very flawed man to fulfill His promises to the Israelites, I want to trust that God will use a flawed person like myself to do His will. Whether it is to fight sin, forgive others, or serve the church in new capacities, I want to do His will by focusing, not on my inadequacies but on God’s character and His promises.

Briefly explain which areas of your life you find most difficult to surrender to Christ.

I find it most difficult to give up my anxieties to God. Because I worry so much about what my future will look like, I constantly worry about what my next steps are as a person in this world, let alone as a Christian. A lot of this anxiety leads me to rely on my solutions and even unhealthy coping mechanisms instead of turning to God for guidance and comfort. Because anxiety can be mistaken as being wise or thinking ahead for the future, it is often hard to surrender that to God.          

What are some practical ways you can display Christ to those around you?

One of the best ways to display Christ to others is by listening to them. People are fascinating, whether they’re your family, coworkers, or even your brother and sister in Christ. Everyone has a story, and in that, everyone has a need. I truly believe that if we as one body listen to each other’s stories, we will gain the respect and opportunity from our peers to share ours, specifically our stories and testimonies of God’s faithfulness. So, I want to display Christ by listening to others and engaging with them in faith-filled conversations.

Grace ChurchLent 2024