Day 34: Peacemaking Church

Daily Devotional

James 3:17-18

17 “But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. 18 And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.”

How has your week of becoming a peacemaking church been? We’ve been challenged and reminded this week to build up Christ-honoring relationships - trusting in God to equip and encourage us. Today’s passage gives us one last piece of advice which is to seek the wisdom that comes from heaven above. James tells us that this is a wisdom that is pure, and it is a wisdom that produces peace in our hearts. This kind of peace is not just the absence of stress, but a product of our secure relationship with Christ. When we reflect Christ to others in love this way, James says that we are sowing a peace that will reap a “harvest of righteousness”. This is a reminder that our efforts towards peacemaking have long-term impacts from God’s perspective. The relationships that we build up are not just temporary fixes but rather seeds that will grow and bear fruit to the glory of Christ. Ask God for the wisdom from heaven today as you once again think about the relationships in your life. As we sow in peace and submit to one another in love, trust that God will bring a harvest of righteousness in your life and in the lives of those around you.

Weekly Application

Peacemaking is more than just clearing out conflicts in our relationships. It seeks to build up relationships and have them thrive. Think of the relationships that you want to see deepen and grow. Then, think of ways you can serve them. They can be as small as sending a kind text message, helping out with house chores, or buying a meal. Also, pray for them, lifting them up to God that he may bless them. Let’s build up our relationships and be a peacemaking church.

Grace Church